Terms and Conditions
Terms of Use
i. Definitions
In this Policy:
* Market Cipher Academy herein referred to as MC Academy
* “Course” means a Course provided by MC Academy.
* “Course Fee” refers to the listed price of a Course.
* “Us” and “We” mean MC Academy.
* “You” means a student of MC Academy.
ii. What is the purpose of this policy?
This policy, together with the MC Academy Terms and Conditions and the MC
Academy Privacy Policy, govern the agreement between you and MC Academy.
This policy sets out the terms upon which MC Academy will provide you with a
refund in relation to a Course Fee paid by you.
We may change this policy from time to time by reviewing it, revising it, or amending
it. If we change this policy, we will provide you with notice of the change and access
to the changed policy.
1. Limitations and Liabilities
MC Academy does not claim, represent or warrant that a Course or Course Materials
are suitable for your purposes. The Courses and all materials are only intended to be
a learning aid, they are not intended to be a substitute for your own study,
completion of study assignments, work or class attendance.
All content provided by MC Academy, including the information, names, images,
pictures, logos and icons related to or regarding MC Academy, its products and
services (or to third party products and services), is provided “as is” and on an “as
available” basis.
To the extent permitted by law:
While MC Academy endeavours to ensure that all content provided in every course
is correct at the time of publication, no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of
MC Academy or it’s educators for any errors, omissions or inaccurate content on the
Course and Course Materials; and
MC Academy does not warrant that Courses will be uninterrupted or could be errorfree, that defects will be corrected immediately, or that the courses or website will be
free of viruses or bugs.
2. Eligibility
Students must be over the age of 18.
3. Registration Process
Customers are to register online at www.marketcipheracademy.com
If you have any issues during this process, the support email is
We accept bitcoin payments only.
4. Privacy Policy
MC Academy is committed to the protection of your privacy and the open and
transparent management of your personal information that we receive. We will
always use our best endeavours to comply with the letter and spirit of our legal
obligations in order to ensure MC Academy is a safe and secure environment for its
students and staff.
We may change this policy from time to time by reviewing it, revising it, or amending
it. If we change this policy, we will provide you with notice of the change and access
to the changed policy.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at :
You can find more information on this policy on our Privacy Policy page.
5. Communications
You must provide us with an email address, which you use and check regularly.
You agree that this will be the address used for all communications with MC
Academy and that all notices and other information regarding the course, the MC
Academy website and other relevant information will be communicated to you by
means of the email address provided. You must inform us as soon as possible of
any change to your email address.
6. Fees
You agree to pay all fees for the relevant Course (Course Fee) using the payment
method we have outlined. You also accept that you are required to pay the full
amount of the Course Fee even if you do not complete the Course.
7. Refunds
There is a 10% operational fee for tuition refunds. No refunds are available after the Course Commencement date. If the course has commenced, you may be eligible to hold the course credit for up to 12 months.
8. Intellectual Property
Intellectual property within the Course Materials, logos and other information
available on the MC Academy website, is owned by MC Academy.
You may not copy, reproduce, modify or adapt any or all of the Course Materials and
other items made available to you by MC Academy without the prior written consent
of MC Academy.
NOTE : You may not reproduce recordings, part recordings of educators and
upload them to any social media platform.
9. Our Responsibilities
MC Academy has a responsibility to you to provide you with a Course that will assist
you as much as possible in attaining competency. MC Academy agrees to provide
the following:
• A tax invoice upon request;
• Login details to access online Course Materials; and Feedback where
10. Your Responsibilities
As an MC Academy student you agree to the following:
Accept these Terms and Conditions;
Submit an enrolment form and pay the Course Fee (or deposit where applicable) by
the agreed timeframe;
Ensure that all information provided by you to us is accurate;
Notify us of any contact changes (email, telephone, address etc).
Advise us of any difficulties or problems experienced by you with MC Academy
Educators, procedures or training as soon as possible or within a reasonable time of
an event or incident occurring;
Speak directly with your Course Educators for all matters relating to course
materials, presentations, and projects.
Take responsibility to implement sufficient procedures and virus checks (including
anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy your particular requirements for the
accuracy of data input and output; and
Not submit or claim as your own, work derived from other sources or work completed
by another person.